Like possibly every other apartment dweller, I often find myself longing for more closet space. Sure, I’m diligent about paring down my wardrobe as needed and enjoy a good organizing spree every now and then, but that doesn’t change the fact that my deep, narrow closets aren’t ever going to change in size.
I will note that I’m lucky enough to have three closets in my one-bedroom unit, which has helped me divide up and effectively categorize my belongings. There’s one small, shallow closet in the entryway, which I use to store a whole bunch of miscellaneous items: my vacuum, extra décor, and my gift stash, to name a few. The second one holds all of my coats, as well as my luggage. The third closet, which is in my bedroom, is packed with blazers, sweaters, sweatshirts, hanging garments, and dresses, which can definitely make for a bit of a chaotic situation when it begins to get too full.
Both the coat closet and my bedroom closet are very deep, but by no means are they walk-ins. I knew I wanted to do something to make better use of the space they do provide. However, I didn’t want to spend too much money on a revamp (I’m in a rental, after all) and also didn’t want to take on a project that would require a large investment of my time.
I was scrolling through Facebook Marketplace when I happened upon the perfect solution: a tall, narrow, pre-assembled five-drawer dresser that was listed nearby for just $70. Not having to construct a piece of furniture on my own is always a win, and the chest was thin enough that I could easily place it in my bedroom closet perpendicular to the door.
A day later, the piece was mine, and it ended up providing me with enough storage for underwear, workout gear, T-shirts, and leggings. In fact, it holds so many items that I was able to sell my existing dresser and free up space for a desk.
I was so inspired by this setup that I knew I wanted to replicate it in my coat closet. While the exact piece that I had purchased for the bedroom closet was discontinued online, I ordered a budget-friendly storage system from Amazon that has truly been a lifesaver. Featuring five sturdy cloth drawers, the piece now holds my extra bed linens, bath towels, scarves, winter gear, and more. Whenever I’m looking for something, I know where it’s housed immediately, and because the drawers aren't see-through, I don’t need to be meticulous when tossing items inside of them.
Both of these pieces have transformed my so-so closets for the better for under $150 total and are items I’ll be able to bring with me to future apartments or use in other rooms, too. While I’ll still lust over giant walk-in closets, I’ll also happily take an efficient, budget-friendly solution any day.