23 Best Toy Storage Ideas to Stay Organized

Couch with toy stored around it

Creative Kids Play

Having kids can make staying organized a little more difficult, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. In fact, with a little pre-planning you can make clean up a whole lot faster and even get your kid to join in on the chore. It takes a few strategic and well-planned out storage solutions, but you can easily avoid stepping on those dreadful Legos next time you walk into the playroom.

Being proactive is definitely the best way to stay on top of the organization game, so ensuring you and your family clean up after play every time is key. But you can make it easier by setting up toy storage that works.

Here are some of the most brilliant toy storage ideas we have found.

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Hang Shelves

Dresser with shelves above it

Reena Sotropa

Starting off with a simple but easy storage idea that anyone can implement in an afternoon. Hang a few simple floating shelves above a dresser or changing table for easy access to the items you need quickly. Just be sure to add in a few objects to keep it stylish.

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Consider Exposed and Hidden Storage

White storage in a play room

Reena Sotropa

When you think about storing your kid's toys, you will definitely want a place you can toss things where no one can see them. Consider a unit that offers cubbies for easy access to the books and toys your kid uses every day, but also feature a few cabinets that can hide away messes quickly.

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Go for Stacking Bins

Basement toy room


Stacking bins or floating bins, such as these wooden ones, are perfect for easy access to toys and easy clean up.

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Repurpose Existing Furniture

Wardrobe for toy storage

Montessori Mama

You don't have to go out and buy all new furniture or storage solutions to keep your child's room clean. Repurpose an old wardrobe and fill it with baskets that can hold everything out of sight.

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Tuck Baskets All Around

Couch with toy stored around it

Creative Kids Play

One easy way to ensure you always clean up after play time? Make sure to have a place to quickly toss toys as soon as your kid is done. Keep baskets all around the room for quick storage that can be tucked away whenever guests come.

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Consider Furniture With Storage

Day bed with storage

The Coastal Oak

If you're trying to find storage space for toys in your kid's room, consider furniture that works overtime. A day bed with under-the-bed storage is perfect for using up every square inch of a small space.

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Keep the Toys on Display

Playroom with rainbow toys

Our Modern Playroom

If your child's toys are as colorful and beautiful as these, consider open shelving units that allow you to show them off and keeps everything in sight. If you want to go the extra mile, you can color coordinate them too.

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Let the Toy Do the Storing

Playhouse in a toy room

Reena Sotropa

In a large playhouse like this one, carve out a few nooks and crannies for toy storage so you can easily tuck all the odds and ins away without taking them out of the playhouse.

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Use Rolling Bins

Rolling cart with toys

Wildflower Dwelling

Not every home has enough space for a dedicated playroom. If you child often plays in various rooms, consider a rolling cart for his or her toys so you can bring it right where you need it.

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Go for Built-Ins

Built-ins in a toy room

Reno No. 4

A built-in unit is not only incredibly stylish, but it is also a great solution for small spaces. Splurge a little and opt for custom cabinetry with doors to hide away any clutter.

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Go for Color Coding

Toy room with plastic bins

At Home With Amy and H

We love colorful plastic bins when it comes to organizing. This is a great way to keep things in order by creating a "system" for your child to follow. For example, all games go in red, school supplies in yellow and so on.

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Use Baskets and Cubbies

Wicker baskets for toys

Diaries of my Home

Whether your toy storage is out in a shared space or you simply want to elevate the look in your kid's room, cubbies filled with wicker baskets are perfect for storing toys out of sight and keeping a clean, modern look.

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Keep Some Toys Out

Toy storage

Chasing Paper

Not everything has to be tucked away out of sight. Books and other small toys can stay outside of baskets so your child is more incentivized to reach for them.

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Use Lockers

Teal lockers

Provincial Farm Touch

We love this school locker look that gives any playroom a whimsical vibe. Set up schoolhouse-style lockers to tuck away all toys.

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Use Different Types of Storage

Storage for toys

Breathing Room Organization + Styling

Consider a variety of storage options such as baskets and open-faced stackable bins so you can customize the storage solution for each type of toy.

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Label Everything

Clear bins for storage

Joanna Organize

Make it easy to find that game next time by keeping a clear labeling system and consider clear bins that make it easier to see everything inside.

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Rethink Bookcases

Bookshelf with toys

Kayley Miller Home

Sometimes a full bookcase is simply too big for just books. Mix and match the shelves by adding a few baskets to store toys next to your favorite reads.

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Opt for Mesh Containers

Craft room storage

Neat Method NYC

While we love baskets because it is easy to toss toys in and create a clean room in seconds, sometimes it makes it a little more difficult to find exactly what you need. Instead, consider baskets made from mesh or metal that are partially opaque but still clear enough to see what is inside without taking each one down.

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Go Wild With Cubbies

Large Ikea bookcase

A Fresh Space

A cubby such as Ikea's Kallax unit is perfect for any playroom or children's bedroom. You can expand the storage as your child grows and you need more space or you can reduce it if they start to outgrow some toys.

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Use a Desk for Storage

Desk with storage

Mika Perry

Whether your child is remote learning or just needs a place to study, consider a desk that comes with built-in storage so you can keep your kid's school supplies and toys right where they need them.

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Use Modular Storage

Baskets on a shelf

AZ House of Order

Modular storage shelves are great for a growing family. You can easily adjust the shelf sizes as your storage needs change without re-installing anything. This is perfect if your kid often outgrows toys and you don't want to DIY a solution to his or her current passions.

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Create a Cubby

Toy alcove in a bedroom

Reena Sotropa

Not only is this adorable little play cubby perfect for imagination and dreaming, but it's also a perfect way to double up on storage when it's not in use.

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Add a Standing Cabinet

Wicker cabinet with storage


Look for pieces such as cabinets or media consoles that can double as toy storage. These are great for providing out-of-sight storage solutions that are also visually appealing.